Sunday, April 29, 2012

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Looee taking a bath

So Robb bought Looee his very own bird bath... But Looee insist on still using his water bowl......

Day 26 Close up

Again.. Another thing I enjoy capturing.... Up close... and personal!

Day 25 Something Pink

PINK! .......

And More PINK!
The girls room has been newly painted............. PINK!

Day 24 Animal

Jackson the cat... Poor kitty .... all he wants is to come in and snuggle.... But those dogs of ours keep chasing him out...

Day 23 sunflare

Rain, Rain go away... just long enough so I can snap this shot!

Day 22 hands

Neighbors chicken game me eggs!

Day 21 Faceless portrait

Blah... Another day in the life of me.. When I'm not out doing store surveys ... I'm stuck in front of a computer... A very hard task for me...( as you can see I'm playing catch up on my pictures, instead of working!)

Day 20 Bokeh

This is one of my favorite types of pictures to take.. I never knew the term used for it, So I have to admit I was confused at first.. But now.. I can't just pick one picture!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 18 Your shoes

Anyone who knows me... knows I LOVE MY CHUCKS!

Day 17 Technology

We need more of this around the house.. ie for the Spa....

Day 16 long exposure

This was a tough one for me.. Im really not sure how to do it on my camera.. So I googled it... And this is what I came up with....

Day 15 silhouette

Old picture I took the first weekend I got my camera... I think this is my favorite!

Day 14 Eyes

Deepest Darkest Brown eyes I know.. my son! AJ .... BTW look at those lashes.. so not fair!

Day 13 yourself with 13 things

13 Bobbie pins! Robb LOVES them.. lol I had a hard time finding 13..

Day 12 Sunset

This was the first sunset Robb and I had seen together.... 

Day 11 Something Blue

Day 10 Childhood Memory

Day 10 Childhood Memory
My mom kept every single award I ever received! Today I look back on them, and still can remember the day I got it...
Ok ... I'm bad... I have been very busy, and then sick.. so now I'm playing catch up...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 9 someone you love

My only Daughter... She is one of a kind.. That's why I love her so much! (I love my son too.. but he always refuses to take pictures for me!)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 5 From A High Angle

Man trying to get theses kids to help their mother, is like pulling teeth out a horses butt! lol 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pre-Easter Fun

Poor bunnies.. What would PETA say?

Day 3 Clouds

Mother Nature is not very nice today! I told her I need Good clouds to Photograph... Did she listen?.. So I got semi-creative..
So.. Robb came home, and told me I should hurry and take a picture of the clouds now.. I was so wrapped up in laundry, and dinner I didn't see how pretty the storm clouds looked against the moon! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge

April's 30 day photography challenge.. I always thought I could take some semi-decent photos.. But if you put a challenge behind those actually have to know what your doing So this month I will be attempting to show some self taught talent(or luck)....

Day 1
Self portrait... Man I need to learn how to work my beast of a camera..haha


Day 2
What I wore today.. Today I helped my boss move... So what is the first thing you want to do after moving?...
 Plop down and have a nice cold beer!