Monday, April 2, 2012

30 Day Photo Challenge

April's 30 day photography challenge.. I always thought I could take some semi-decent photos.. But if you put a challenge behind those actually have to know what your doing So this month I will be attempting to show some self taught talent(or luck)....

Day 1
Self portrait... Man I need to learn how to work my beast of a camera..haha


Day 2
What I wore today.. Today I helped my boss move... So what is the first thing you want to do after moving?...
 Plop down and have a nice cold beer!


  1. I'm laughing out loud at what you wore today. Love the cold beverage.

    Isn't Robb doing this also?

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Love your "What I Wore Today" photo. It's always so hard to be creative on that one!!

  3. lol.. Thank you.. I thought about pinning it onto a wall.. but I didnt think Robb would like all the oin holes..hahah..
